Posts Tagged “pegger”

Pegger is a turn-based peg jumping game. The following posts form a tutorial series covering data modeling, API design, and server- and client-side implementation using Java, Google App Engine, Bootstrap, and AngularJS.

(Shown from oldest to newest)

Creating a Jersey App on Google App Engine

Posted on August 11, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

Today I started writing a web app that I hope will become a web-based version of a 2-player peg jumping game that I devised a few weeks ago. Inspiration for this game goes to my 18 month old daughter and her desire to play with her peg-hammering toy at 2 o'clock in the morning. I've settled on calling the game Pegger.

I'm turning the process of building the app into a tutorial series. This will be the first in the series, where we'll go through the process of creating a Jersey web app that runs on Google App Engine.

Modeling a Turn-Based Game with JSON

Posted on August 26, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

Since my first tutorial for building out my turn-based game, Pegger, I have been thinking a lot about how to design a REST API around it. In this particular article my focus will be on creating a data model for Pegger and representing that model using JSON so don't worry if you're not intimately familiar with REST and HTTP yet.

Designing a REST API for a Turn-Based Game

Posted on September 2, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

Previously, we created a JSON model for Pegger. Now it's time to come up with an API that HTTP clients can use to interact with our game. In this tutorial we'll be designing an API "on paper". No coding for, just thinking things through.

Pegger's Turn-Based API in Java

Posted on September 9, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

At the end of my last article I came to the conclusion that a turn-based API would probably best suit the game Pegger. This week I decided to implement that API in Java to see how everything would unfold. Let's see how the turn-based API ended up looking as code.

Pegger as a Component-Based API

Posted on September 15, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

Previously I implemented Pegger as a turn-based API using Java. After I finished the API I felt as if there were a few things about the implementation and overall data model that were a little clunky. The alternative API that we had discussed was a component-based API. Let's see how *that* looks as code.

A Simple Turn-Based Game Client Using Bootstrap and AngularJS

Posted on October 1, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

Having an HTTP API for a game is great but until players can visually interact with the game it really won't be much fun to play. Now I will demonstrate how Bootstrap and AngularJS can be used to quickly make a simple (but pretty) interactive user interface for the game. To keep things simple, the game will be played in hot-seat style where both players will take turns in the game using the same computer and browser session.

Pegger is Live!

Posted on October 17, 2014 by Erik Gillespie

The finishing touches have been made and I think it's time to call Pegger "good enough". Read on for some changes I made to the code to put that last bit of polish on this wittle web app.