GitHub recently upgraded their GitHub Pages platform (a.k.a. free static site hosting!) from Jekyll 2.4 to Jekyll 3.0. They published an article about the changes, but it didn’t seem very comprehensive. After reading it, I generally felt like things should just continue to work… but they didn’t.

I’ve since gone through four static sites and upgraded them to Jekyll 3. Here’s the quick and dirty version of what I had to do to get those sites looking pretty and working the way I expected them to.


Let me start with the item that wasn’t covered in GitHub’s migration notes. If you were using pagination (aren’t we all?), then you may have noticed that the styles on your page look goofy, random Markdown shows up in your HTML, and you may even be getting this message in your logs:

If all this rings true, then add the following lines to the end of your Gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll-paginate'

If you want to use any other Jekyll plugins, put them in the :jekyll_plugins group too. Be careful though, only certain plugins are supported by GitHub Pages!


Regardless of whether you had to fix the jekyll-paginate issue, make sure to run bundle update. This will make sure you are running the same version of the github-pages gem (and all of its dependencies) as GitHub Pages itself.


GitHub Pages now only supports Kramdown as its Markdown processor. What does that mean to you?

  1. Remove the markdown: property from your _config.yml file.
  2. If your pages look funky and you were using something besides Kramdown, add these lines to _config.yml:
  input: GFM

Syntax Highlighting

If you have code snippets on your blog, you should know that GitHub Pages now only supports Rouge for making your snippets look pretty. Since only one highlighter is supported now, remove the highlighter: property from your _config.yml file.

Extra Credit

If you were using {% highlight lang %} to declare code snippets in your Markdown files, you can instead use backticks:


  {% highlight html %}
  <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  {% endhighlight %}


  <h1>Hello World!</h1>

The End

I hope you found what you were looking for. Happy hosting!