Meet the New Rex

Posted on September 30, 2015 by Erik Gillespie

The makeover of Technical Rex is finally done! Clickity-click and take a look at the new theme!

Make sure to say 'Hi' to Rex, the new mascot, too. He doesn't bite, I promise!

Performance Playground - Jackson vs. Protocol Buffers, Part 3

Posted on June 25, 2015 by Erik Gillespie

Writing an apples-to-apples benchmark comparison of two very different serialization frameworks is apparently hard.

In my first attempt to compare serialization performance of Jackson JSON and Google Protocol Buffers, there wasn't a huge difference. After some suggestions, I made some revisions and found Jackson to be much faster than Protocol Buffers.

A bug was recently found in the benchmarks and the effect of this bug gave Jackson a pretty unfair advantage. As you'll see, fixing the bug leads to a complete 180ยบ in the results of these benchmarks.

Making Paper Rockets

Posted on June 17, 2015 by Erik Gillespie

Today I spent a few hours learning how to create a simple graphic that looks like it was made from little pieces of construction paper.

I'm happy enough with the results that I thought I should share.

This Dino is Getting a Makeover!

Posted on June 10, 2015 by Erik Gillespie

Just a quick heads-up, the site will be getting a facelift over the next few weeks!

Timecards Can Be Easy

Posted on June 4, 2015 by Erik Gillespie

Today I submitted an extension to the Chrome web store. It helps employees who track time in ADP eTIME such as myself and my coworkers quickly find the projects they care about while avoiding the ones they don't.